Orthodox Muslim theologians such as al-Ghazali (1058 - 1111 CE) and al-Ash'ari (874 - 935 CE) have discussed the Houris as being rewards and pleasures found in heaven. Al-Ghazali, in particular, refers to a hadith that describes heaven as a slave market where there will be "no buy and sale, but... If any man will wish to have sexual intercourse with a woman, he will do at once."[4][5] The same hadith is quoted by Ibn Kathir, in his Qur'anic Commentary, the Tafsir ibn Kathir[6]. The houris are also described graphically by Qur'anic commentator and polymath, Al-Suyuti (died 1505), who, echoing a Sahih hadith[7] from Ibn Majah,[8] wrote that the perpetual virgins will all "have appetizing vaginas", and that the "penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal."[9]
The sensual nature of the houri awarded to believers are also confirmed by the two Sahih collections of hadith, namely Sahih Bukhari[10] and Sahih Muslim,[11] which state that the houris will be virgins so beautiful and pure that there flesh will, in effect, be transparent: "the marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and the flesh"[12]. "The believers", another hadith in Bukhari continues, "will visit and enjoy them [the houris]".[13]
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The concept of houri can be found in major Islamic scriptures. The Quran, states believing males will be rewarded with virgins.[14] Although it is frequently alleged that the hadiths regarding the houris are da`if (weak)[15] or few (and even singular) in number, such narrations are in fact found in many hadith collections with varying levels of authenticity, including several that earn a grade of hasan (good) and sahih (authentic).[15]
Another narration in Sunan al-Tirmidhi, another of the six major hadith collections,[16] states that the smallest reward for the people of heaven is an abode housing seventy-two houris.[19] Although it is frequently argued that this hadith is da'if (weak)[20], it has been graded hasan and sahih by renowned scholars of hadith,[7] meaning this hadith is hasan (good), since it has several chains of transmitters, and also sahih (authentic), as the chains are all declared authentic by Imam Tirmidhi.[21]
Also reported in Sunan Al-Kubra and Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and declared sahih (authentic)[7] by Ibn Abi Shayba, Ibn Hibban, and Al-Hakim is a hadith that states that God's servants will be married in heaven with seventy wives and that they'll be given the sexual strength for a hundred.[22]
Orthodox Muslim theologians have related further hadith that give us the exact number of 72, such as al-Ghazali who wrote, "[The Prophet said] the lowest rank of an inmate of heaven will have eighty thousand servants and seventy two wives."[23]
The Quran states that all Muslim males, not only martyrs, will be rewarded with virgins.[36] However, the Quran does also mention that those who fight in the way of Allah (jihad) and get killed will be given a "great reward",[52] and there exist hasan (good) hadith[18] which refer to the 72 virgins as one of the "seven blessings from Allah" to the martyr.[17] This has lead to the 72 virgins concept being widely used as a way to entice martyrdom.
The number of houris are confirmed in multiple hadiths.[15] Also worth noting is that hadiths are a crucial part of Islam, and that approaching any Orthodox construction of the religion is essentially impossible their absence. Nonetheless, the great majority of hadiths are acknowledged as being of weak authenticity, particularly legal traditions (which form the basis of much of the Shari'ah (Islamic Law) and those detailing the fada'il or "virtues" or various religious figures and theological entities - Indeed, Islamic scholars have, throughout history, accused one another of arbitrarily dismissing and favoring certain sets of weak hadiths to justify their varying doctrinal positions. Indeed, n this context and given their subject matter, the hadiths regarding the houris can fairly be considered to be, on the whole, exceptionally well-attested.
The Quran details that houris are chaste virgins that have big breasts, resulting in the clear implication of the houris' sexual purpose.[36] While the Quran does not explicitly state they are for sexual purposes this is mentioned in other Islamic sources. One such hadith states "The believer will be given such and such strength in heaven for sexual intercourse". Other sources state that "the penis of the elected never softens" and that men in heaven will have the sexual strength of 100 men.[60][61] 2ff7e9595c